

2015-05-21 14:35




  看完上面的概念描述是不是仍然觉得很抽象? 那具体问题应该放在具体案例里面来分析,这样就能更好的理解概念啦!一起来做题吧:

  1. Blood samples taken after exposure to the virus might not be conclusive.

  A. shortly

  B. largely

  C. well

  D. ever

  2. This book was published by Francoise Co., but its ownership was transferred to our company shortly after a decision by the board.

  A. solely

  B. rationally

  C. originally

  D. subsequently

  3. In case you don’t understand how to operate the machine, we recommend you to go over the description.

  A. strongly

  B. pointlessly

  C. recklessly

  D. hard

  4. The marketing managers objected to the proposal, but in the end, they determined to accept it.

  A. initially

  B. considerately

  C. regularly

  D. distantly

  5. Telecommunications equipment should be checked to ensure that it works properly and is in good condition.

  A. lately

  B. frequently

  C. truly

  D. relatively

  6. The new department, which was named as Golden Fentax consulting, will be directly under the control of headquarters.

  A. tentatively

  B. spaciously

  C. randomly

  D. seriously

  7. The world’s labor market is being populated by middle-aged people.

  A. originally

  B. increasingly

  C. morally

  D. just

  8. While you can check out books for a week in the library, periodicals are not available.

  A. minimally

  B. generally

  C. conveniently

  D. confusingly

  9. Some previous research members were summoned to explain the research process and individual roles of the researchers .

  A. objectively

  B. proudly

  C. markedly

  D. just

  10. Asian investors want to take advantage of their high dividends, compared to their investment returns in New York.

  A. relatively

  B. originally

  C. seemingly

  D. considerately

  (参考答案:ACAAB ABBAA)

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