

2015-07-02 11:49




  1. As soon as he copying the lecture handouts, he will leave the laboratory.

  A. will complete

  B. complete

  C. is complete

  D. completes

  2. His assignment be done, he will pay a visit to Bundes Anto Shop to purchase some parts.

  A. If

  B. Should

  C. Unless

  D. Without

  3. The committee members would the meeting if the president hadn’t missed the annual stockholders’’ meeting.

  A. have attended

  B. attend

  C. have been attended

  D. be attending

  4. If this new product registered in advance, we would have purchased it in bulk.

  A. had been

  B. has been

  C. would have been

  D. would be

  5. Our coordinator, Mr. Hyun Ju would have completed this month’s registration rate records if all lecturers attendance sheets on time.

  A. would have submitted

  B. submitted

  C. had submitted

  D. would submit

  6. If they had looked into the case more carefully, we some definite answers and helped many victims under detention at the police station.

  A. had gained

  B. gained

  C. would have gained

  D. would gain

  7. If this bar chart had been previewed by the senior manager, it better information on the data.

  A. had offered

  B. would had offered

  C. would have offered

  D. had been offered

  8. If you an alternate route to work, you would have saved time for yourself.

  A. would have taken

  B. have taken

  C. had taken

  D. should take

  9. If the paper had not been reported so quickly, we the cause and effect of the tower remodeling.

  A. will not know

  B. would not have know

  C. cannot know

  D. should know

  10. If the legislation by the National Assembly and signed into law, many small companies will be allowed to get a loan without paying high loan rates.

  A. passes

  B. is passed

  C. passed

  D. will pass


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